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100 People of Dysterra [martia's 100 character challenge]

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:03 am
by marcien
the 100 character challenge. martia decided to take it one at a time.

Dysterra is the name of martia's multiverse, which is made of many many worlds. When i introduce a character, we will also include all their alternates.

[table][tr][td]#001 Celia ✔ (×4)
#002 Ted ✔ (×6)
#003 Kay
#004 Blaze
Worlds list: show

[01-M] — Segeia and Casageia
[02-T] — Earth Base
[07-T] — Metal Basement
[03-IB] — Rainbow Net Galaxy
[05-S] — Astrael
[06-M] — Landsing
[08-MS] — Soles / Soulesia
[04-ST/09-SR] — Imagina
[10-I] — Metarosa
[11-TI] — Riot Bowl Galaxy
[12-TR] — Xearth
[99-A] — Unspecified
[49-A] — LN and other collab projects

this is going to be a self-assessment of how many styles and kinds of faces can martia draw. *slumps from potential sameface syndrome oncoming* eeuuurrggh not sure if can do this shit.

#001 Celia

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:34 am
by marcien
Unicorn Spirit
Personification of older siblings and kind smiles
An imaginary friend who first appeared when martia was 5 years old and got put in a dark storeroom in kindergarten for having a noisy meltdown. Our first character, and probably the reason why martia is good with oneesan characters. Also our namesake.
We did not pay much attention to the red on her chest at first, but years later we realise that it is a gaping chest wound. This is a souvenir of how the first world's version of her died.

Cecilia Miles
World: 01-M
Age: 14
Race: Magician (Shaman)

A shaman who can manipulate the growth of small plants. Her beast transformation is that of a winged horse (which we mistook for a unicorn as a child). She has a congenital heart defect and her life is supported by a philosopher's stone implanted ther, hidden by her lord. Spoiler: She dies when the stone is removed from her chest (see above).
She is a farmer, making her of the slave class, serving a noble family. Her best friend is her lord's daughter.
martia's Notebook: show

The half of Segeia known as "Vista" is populated by "shamans". They believe that the continued use of articulate magic spells would become harmful to the planet they live and slowly ceased using them. They have only retained two kinds of magic: Controlling the power of elementals and; Transforming into one specific animal.

Elia Remington
World: 02-T/07-T
Age: ∞
Race: Human (Contaminated) → Homunculus

A regular human who has the power of "recovery". She is able to produce anti-bodies to almost any kind of physical disease. After she got married to an ageless artificial human, her original body was spliced together with that of another artificial human to make her ageless as well.
martia's Notebook: show

The race of humans called "Contaminated" usually possess "mutations". "Healing" belongs to the alchemy category, and there are two variations of it: Regeneration and Recovery.

Cecil Belarosa Domhan
World: 11-TI
Planet: Earth Plate
Age: 18
Race: Human

#002 Ted

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:54 pm
by marcien
Pillow Spirit
Personification of bedroom and night rest
An imaginary friend who showed up when we were about 8, and has, since then, aged together with us. When we were younger, we were active and didn't like to sleep, so whenever we were forced to go to bed we would talk and play with him until we get sleepy. He hardly ever talks though. On good days he flops on the mattress and smiles. On bad days he has that emotionless face and just stares plainly. We thought that was probably what imaginary friends do anyway.
When we grew older, i figured out that he has selective mutism. He only talks in situations he wants to, to people he wants to. He never speaks when anyone outside of his circle is around.

Thaddeus Excelsius
World: 01-M
Other name: Theodore Miles
Age: 12
Race: Fairy (Shaman)

A fairy shaman who can manipulate and access machine data. He is the younger brother of Cecilia Miles and is owned by the Excelsius family. Though he does not have a beast transformation, his obsession with turtles (turtle hat, turtle backpack) leads to him being considered a turtle.
martia's Notebook: show

On Segeia, a "fairy" is considered a non-human. (The notion is inspired by how many children with special needs were mistaken to be "fairy changelings" in the middle ages.) Fairies are randomly born to magicians, and do not possess the kind of magic typical to their kind. Instead, their magic is often incomprehensible (to everyone else) and very limited in nature.
Their unique magic makes them more like a resource than a person. The moment a fairy child exhibits their magic, noble families interested in that ability will negotiate and obtain it from their family. Since most people have no knowledge of how to care for a fairy, this practice suits all three parties well.

Chen Hawthorne
World: 02-T
Other name: Chen Zai
Age: 17-24
Race: Human

Information specialist for the mercenary group known "Numbered Chaos". Like Ted, he is a collector of turtle plushies. Apart from his elder brother, his whole family spoils him. Fortunately, he has a mostly sweet personality.

World: Lamentable Nights
Age: 29
Class: Crosser

Allen Sileniro Domhan
World: 11-TI
Planet: Steel Cube (originally Earth Plate)
Age: 30
Race: Human

Allen is originally only a year older than his twin sisters. Being on Steel Cube makes time pass faster for him.

World: 03-IB
Planet: Blue Earth
Title: Ancient of Ponds and Freshwater Plants
Age: ∞
Race: Ancient

A reclusive Ancient. He has no human friends. He has only two Ancient friends.
martia's Notebook: show

On Blue Earth, "Ancients" live alongside (sort of) humans. They are immortal humanoid beings that have been around for a long time. Whenever they are killed, they will fall asleep for a few centuries before waking up. These powerful beings are the reason why the relatively weak planet of Blue Earth manages to survive in this harsh galaxy.
Because of their unchanging nature - hence their disability to grow, Ancients tend to form closer relationships with humans than each other. They are charmed and amused by the human's ways and enjoy watching them grow up and grow old.

#003 Kay

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:38 pm
by marcien
(wip - accidental post)